wtorek, 26 listopada 2013



You shouldn’t always start the conversation, you have a life so live it. If you are constantly texting her she will be turned off and this will squash your game. This ties right along with immediately responding to her text messages, even if you have your phone by your side you don’t want to respond immediately. By dragging out your response times this will cause her to be interested because she’ll be wondering “what is he doing” “why didn’t he answer me?” “does he like me?”

Finally, one of the most important aspects of text messaging a girl is to not be boring. Girls love excitement and individuality, if you come across as a boring dude, do you think she will be texting you back anytime soon? I don’t think so. 

Thank you for reading and we hope you enjoyed this information, now apply it to your texting game and you will be shocked with the results. What to write seduction pro.

2 tips about hot girls

Right approaching women is very important. The way you walk to her.
Don’t act desperate.

Just because you hadn’t gone out with any girl in the past 2 years doesn’t mean you have to be aggressive. They will find you repulsive if you act that way.
If you chase every girl but cannot get one to like you, take it slow. Stop acting like you are running out of girls or like you’re in a race to date the next girl. The sky won’t fall if you don’t get a date this Friday!

Eye contact is important.

Clever guys know that a girl’s attention can be caught through occasional eye contact. When inside a party or a bar, throw quick glances at her. She may catch you looking at her once or twice, but that’s the idea.

Kiss, Laid etc.

Guide to get laid 

Look good.

All right, you want to know how to have sex, you don’t have to be in coat and tie whenever you approach girls, but don’t go out there looking like you just got out and bed. If you want to know how to get girls, you have to know how to look attractive first. Fix your hair. Wear neat clothes. Lots of girls find guys in shirt and jeans sexy. Smell good too—but don’t bathe yourself in too much cologne.


Another seduction tip:

Ignore the gorgeous lady.

She may be Ms Popular, the girl all guys want to go out with, but don’t treat her like most guys do. Drive her crazy wondering why you’re unlike the others. She might approach you to say “Hi.”

Seduction Theory 1

Many guys have had funny and frustrating experiences when it comes to asking girls out. If you have been snubbed by a girl before, don’t fret because you are just like many others. But when you seem to be getting rejected every time, then there must be something you are failing to see.If you are wondering how to get women to like you, keep in mind that there are countless other guys in your shoes.


Don’t be too nice!

Putting your best foot forward often leads to acting artificially. So you want to be the cool guy whom every girl would like, but the problem is you could not get any girl to like you. While acting like an uncouth guy is undesirable, you also do not have to be too nice, especially if that’s too good to be true. Act like you could fuck girls anytime you want to. Be yourself. Your natural charm will earn you points.